(228 words) Shakespeare's dramaturgy is the golden foundation of world literature. His plays are loved by viewers and readers from around the world. The most famous work of the English writer is Romeo and Juliet. It is about him that I would like to express my opinion.
My impression of the book can be called enthusiastic, because I really liked the play. Yes, her characters are slightly naive, but they are pure, bold and generous. They have one heart beating for two, such love is rarely found even on the pages of novels. I especially liked the action of Romeo, who sought his lover and took incredible risks. For his courtship, he could be killed by relatives of Juliet, but this did not stop him. I think that the author teaches us, by his example, to be brave and purposeful people who are not afraid of difficulties.
The main idea in the play, in my opinion, is that no power can defeat and overpower love, even death before it is powerless. Family enmity also cannot separate those who are close in spirit. This tragedy is very instructive for all of us: do not build up hate and anger in the way of children. It is they who are destined to correct the mistakes of their fathers and to establish a damaged relationship.
I would recommend this book to all those who do not believe that strong bonds are possible between people. This work returns to the reader a belief in love lost as a result of personal tragedy. It also teaches us not to give up looking for the very person who will become our family.